Advanced Supervision and Intervention Support Team (ASIST)

  • Organization: Connecticut State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
  • Date Created: Thursday, March 24, 2022
  • Attachment(s): LINK

State Specific-CT

ASIST is the product of a unique collaboration among the Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division (CSSD), the Department of Correction, and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.  The program was developed to make existing Alternative to Incarceration Centers an accessible diversionary option to persons with significant psychiatric disorders.

ASIST is able to meet the unique needs of clients who require both packages of services - judicial supervision and mental health and substance abuse recovery services provided by DMHAS and CSSD treatment service providers.  The ASIST clinician forms a stable case management link that coordinates the services delivered by the AIC/service provider partnership, and closely monitors the impact of these services on client functioning and quality of life. ASIST also includes a component of skills training and cognitive behavioral intervention to reduce recidivism.

Contact:  Marti Kardol, LPC
phone 860-262-5812; fax 860-707-1961;

  • Pretrial diversion programs