Please fill out this form to have your organization included in the Pro Bono Opportunities Guide. We will review your information online and contact you if there are any questions.

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

General Information
Contact Information
  1. Contact information below will not display to users, only admins viewing this form.

  2. Please complete the verification task.
Location Information 

Choose the location of the volunteer opportunities for this organization. You may choose either Nationwide, a single state for state-wide opportunities, or specific counties by clicking on the List Counties button after selecting a state.

Program Information
  1. Hold down the control (Ctrl) key while clicking
    to select more than one choice.
Want Guidance?
Our JIN Guides cover areas people face during Pre-Trial, Trial, and Post-Trial.
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Add Your Organization to the JIN Directory
If you think your organization would be a good fit in our directory of service providers, we'd love to hear from you.

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Our help directory is free, easy to use, and filled with organizations, advocates, and services providers whose contact information has been confirmed for accuracy.